Anatoli Korkin
Anatoli Korkin is president of consulting company
Nano and Giga Solutions. Dr. Korkin got his Master Degree in
chemistry from Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia and his PhD in physics from
Lomonosov Moscow State University. Dr. Korkin has an extensive experience in computational and physical chemistry and industrial
research in process & material design at atomic and nano scale. He has published over 100 refereed journal articles and edited several books and special journal issues. Prior starting his career as an entrepreneur in 2004 Dr.
Korkin worked for Motorola as a Senior Scientist in R & D division. He was a researcher & visiting scientist in world-class
academic institutions, including: Russian (Soviet Union) Academy of Sciences, University of Erlangen-Nurnberg,
Max-Planck Institute of Radiochemistry, Dalhousie Uiniversity, University of Florida, Philipps University Marburg,
Tyndall National Institute and University of Tokyo. Dr. Korkin’s entrepreneurial activities include organizing conferences
and seminars, consulting in technology commercialization, education, science and executive management for start-up companies,
organization and management of professional networks.
Personal web pages:
President of Nano and Giga Solutions
Google Scholar
Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung
Professional and research interests:
Computational design of functional materials at atomic and nano scale, international project development and management in education, research and technology innovations.
Atomic Scale Design for Newbies (Youtube channel)
No-tie Talks on Innovations (Youtube channel)
Computational Materials Design: from Molecular Mechanics to Artificial Intelligence
Компьютерный Дизайн Молекул и Материалов: от Школы до Аспирантуры
Интервью после конференции NGC2017 в Томске
Other web references:
IPTOOR - Business development network
Publications of the Nano and Giga Forums
Russian Science Technology and Education Conference (RUSTEC2020)
American-Russian Chamber of Commerce of Minnesota