Benjamin (Veniamin) Dorfman
As a researcher with much over half a century of professional experience, Dorfman primarily specialized in solid-state physics, physical chemistry, technology and physical base of reliability of solid-state devices. He received his M.S. degree in physical chemistry of metals from Moscow Institute of Steel, Ph.D. degree in physical chemistry of solid-state technology from Moscow Institute of Fine Chemistry, and Dr. of Sciences degree in physics of thin solid films and in microelectronics from Moscow Institute of Electronic Technics in 1977. Dorfman founded the first Soviet Laboratory of Microelectronics (1961), second in the world after IBM where R&D in microelectronics were symbiotic with the computers design. Over three decades, Laboratory conducted the key R&D in semiconductor, superconductor, magnetic and holographic devices, their technology and physical mechanisms of failures and developed new diagnostic devices. One of the complementary results of researches was stabilized diamond-like carbon, Diamond-Like Nanocomposites (DLN) and Composites of Atomic Scale. Dorfman had come to the USA on January 23, 1991 and he is working in this country from January 24, 1991 - initially as Director of Laboratory in Moltech Corp., and from 1992 as founder and President of independent research Laboratory Atomic-Scale Design, Inc. primarily focused in DLN. In 2004-2009, as invited research professor of Clarkson University, NY, he conducted jointly with industrial companies two research projects in solid-state capacitors approaching physical limits and in interaction of supersonic liquid-solid jet with solid targets. In the same time he founded United Materials Intl., Inc., which after a few subsequent mergers was transformed into international (USA-Canada) CarbonOne Technolgies, Inc.; in 2015 the Company went public. Recently, Dorfman resigned from all official positions to be focused on his research. Other honors and awards include: Grand Prix in the First International Contest on business plan in Nanotechnology in Japan in 2003 for synergistic graphine-diamondlike carbon QUASAM (first synthesized in 1995 and presented in invited report to MRS meeting in Boston in 1996), Gold Medal for the Best Technological Achievement of the USSR, 1989; Medal “Inventor of the USSR”; Gold Medal for Distinguished Labor (1970); Winner of all-Union competition for Best scientific-popular book “At the Border of Millenniums", Moscow, 1982; Honorable diplomas: “For scientific education of youth”, for organization of All-Union conf. in Microelectronics (1970-80s), "Meritorious Achievement Award" from the National Medal of Technol. Program (U.S. Dep. of Commerce) as Advisor of student team - winner 2002-2003 Internet Sci. Tech. Fair (ISTF). He was Visiting scientist of Brookhaven Nat. Labs. (1991-1997), Res. Professor of SUNY at Stony Brook and NY Polytechnic Univ. In 1994 he organized ‘USA-Russian Seminar for Science, Technology and Defense Conversion’ (1994), which attracted 33 top Russian Scientists and High-Tech industry leaders, American business communities and representative of federal government and resulted with many international contracts. His publication record includes more than 200 journal articles, monographs and book chapters and patents.
Research interests:
Physics, synthesis and stabilization of nano-to-atomic scale solid-state structures and devices, fundamental laws underlying the major trends of technological evolution
ASDN tutorials:
Carbon: Bridging inorganic & organic worlds
Nanotechnology today
Why the forests are green?
Selected web references:
Patents by Veniamin Dorfman
Secondary Evolution