This page lists links to videos from youtube which are relevant to atomic scale physics and chemistry. They are grouped as:
Physics and chemistry at atomic scale


Atoms and electricity

Making molecules with atoms

Covalent bond

Ionic bond

Quantum tunneling

Waves and particles

Shine a Light

Quantum Reality

Quarks: Inside the Atom

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Molecular dynamics

Diffusion of hydrogen atom in water

Hydrophobic particle in water

Small peptide in water

MD simulation of copper deposition
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Nano Technology

How Nanotechnology Works

32-Nanometer Gate Chips

Video Journey Into Nanotechnolog

Carbon Nanotube Electronics

Age of Convergence

Richard Feynman Intro

Alternative Energy Sources
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Nano and bio made from atoms


Carbon nanotubes


DNA structure


From RNA to Protein Synthesis

Molecular Visualizations of DNA
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Atoms under microscope

MD simulation of an atomic force microscope

AFM image of ZnTe crystal surface

NMR of an ester

Magnetic Resonance Force Microscope

Molecular Dynamics Simulation of AFM

IBM Move Atoms
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For Kids 12, under and above

ZulaPatrol chemistry

Chemistry project

Hydrogen bonds in London

Five major chemical reactions

Nanotechnology - What is it?

One of our molecules is missing
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Atomic science history song

Song of diamond and ice
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Why education is important - not

Quantum mechanics for MTV generation

Periodic Table song

Atomic kitten - someone like

Chemical Party
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