Summer School will be held on September
10 & 11 at Physics Department of Moscow Lomonosov State University.
The limited number of Summer School Attendance Awards are available
for the graduate students and young researchers to attend
the School. Registered attendees of the meeting (paid or waved fees) are
automatically granted the right to participate in the Summer School part of the
meeting. For more information refer to the appropriate links for
Summer School.
Symposium will be held on September 12 & 13 in the Palace of Science of the Russian Academy of
Sciences. The palace is located at Prechistinka str. 16 in the historic
downtown of Moscow. Refer to the Trasportation Page for directions.
Some Photographs of the Palace of Science of RAS
Please find a few pictures of the beautiful historical interior
of the Palace of Science. Click on the icon to get a bigger picture,
and click on the bigger picture to get the REALLY BIG PICTURE!!!.