This page is for internal use of organizers, and is not intended to be viewed by the public. Its outlook is rudimentary, so it is easier to maintain and update in real time. It now contains organizational messages ordered by date posted. As we go, we may accummulate here assignments, schedules, contact info, etc... Whatever is helpfull. Your suggestions welcome -- send them to -- Jan Labanowski

Preliminary expenses report

The draft of expenses report (some charges were not in yet charged, but they are listed in the report) is available as MS Word file: NGCM2002expense-report.doc.

Abstracts and registrations

Organizational Meeting in Moscow

Monday, March, 25 10 a.m. Moscow time

at RRC "Kurchatov Institute"
   1, Kurchatov square,
   Administration Building (Building 3),
   Room 115
   (central entrance from the side of Kurchatov square)
   Contact person
   Boris Potapkin, Phone 7 095196 7362

The meeting will be chaired by academician Velikhov, co-chairman
of NGCM. If you have any questions or need assistance, please,
contact Dr. Boris Potapkin.

Unfortunately, there is no special funding available to financially
support the attendance of this meeting of organizers and we also
apologize for the short notice about the meeting.
With Best Regards,

Yours Sincerely,

Anatoli Korkin

Archive of organizational messages

Draft of the Meeting brochure

Please review the draft of the meeting brochure at: and send your comments to Anatoli Korkin at: