Symposium and Summer School on:
Nano and Giga Challenges in Microelectronics
Research and Opportunities in Russia
Moscow, September 10-13, 2002
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Invited Speakers:
Sanjay Banerjee
(University of Texas Austin, USA)
Bandgap and Strain Engineered Si-Ge-C Vertical and Planar MOSFETs
Gennadi Bersuker
(SEMATECH International, USA)
Localized States in Degradation of Thin Gate Oxides
Alex Bratkovsky
(Hewlett-Packard Labs, USA)
Transport of Single Electrons and Bound Electron Pairs in Molecular Films and Wires
Douglas Buchanan
(IBM - TJ Watson Research Center, USA)
Metal gates for Advanced CMOS
Yong Chen
(Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, USA)
Nanoscale Molecular Electronic Devices and Circuits
Gabriel Crean
(National Microelectronics Research Center, Ireland)
Future nanoelectronics: challenges for science and technology
Massimiliano Di Ventra
(Virginia Tech, USA)
Electronic transport in nanoscale conductors
Roger Elliott
(Oxford University, UK)
Spin-polarised Current Effects in Magnetic Tunnel Junctions
Roxann Engelstad
(University of Wisconsin, USA)
Mask Distortion Issues for Next Generation Lithography
Michael Feigel'man
(Landau Institute of Theoretical Physics, Russia)
Possible realization of an ideal quantum computer in Josephson junction array
David Ferry
(Arizona State University, USA)
Quantum Transport in Nano Devices
Gennadi Fursey
(St-Petersburg University of Telecommunications, Russia)
Field Emission from Nanocarbon and Vacuum Microelectronics
Julian Gale
(Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, UK)
Ab Initio Calculation at the Nanoscale
David Gilmer
(Motorola - Digital DNA Labs, USA)
Gate-Stack Materials Compatibility Challenges
William Goddard III
(California Institute of Technology, USA)
Multi Scale Materials Design
Evgeniy Golant
(State Research and Production Corporation "Istok", Russia)
Quantum Coherent Transport Phenomena in THz Devices
Alexander Granovsky
(Moscow Lomonosov University, Russia)
Giant magnetooptical effects in nanostructured magnetic materials
David B. Graves
(University of California at Berkeley, USA)
Atomistic Simulations of Plasma-Surface Chemistry and Comparison to Experiment
Vladimir Gritsenko
(Novosibirsk Insitute of Semiconductor Physics, Russia)
Transport and Defects in Advanced Gate Dielectrics
Detlev Gruetzmacher
(Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland)
New Device Concepts Using SiGe Quantum Structures
Supratik Guha
(IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA)
Insulating oxides on silicon by molecular beam epitaxy for gate dielectric and novel applications
Boris Gurovich
(RRC "Kurchatov Institute", Russia)
Selective Atom Removal for Fabrication of Nanostructures with Desirable Electric, Magnetic, and Optical Properties
Evgeni Gusev
(IBM - TJ Watson Research Center, USA)
Ultrathin Gate Dielectrics: Recent Progress and Future Challenges
Takeo Hattori
(Musashi Institute of Technology, Japan)
Energy Barrier for Valence Electrons Near SiO2/Si Interface
Scott Hector
(Motorola - Digital DNA Labs, USA)
Next Generation Lithography: Prospects and Challenges
Howard Huff
(SEMATECH International, USA)
Integrated Electronics: From Conventional CMOS to Nanoscale Technologies
Mitsuteru Inoue
(Toyohashi University of Technology, Optware Corporation, Japan)
Magnetophotonic crystals - functional magneto-optic media with nano-scaled structures
Olivier Joubert
(LTM/CNRS, France)
Nanometer scale linewidth control during etching of polysilicon gates in high-density plasmas
Peter Kazansky
(University of Southampton, UK)
Breaking the limits in glass and optical fibres: from femtosecond writing to atom chips
Natalia Kirova
(Lukin Research Institute of Physical Problems, Russia & CNRS, France)
Puzzles of Conducting Polymers
Nikolai Kiselev
(Institute of Crystallography, Russia)
Progress in nanotube characterization by HREM
Nikolay Kukhtarev
(Alabama A & M University, USA)
Optically Induced Nanostructures
Kaupo Kukli
(University of Tartu, Estonia)
Atomic Layer Deposition Chemistry of CMOS Dielectric Materials
Patrick Lenahan
(Penn State University, USA)
Practical Quantum Computing
Konstantin Likharev
(State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA)
Electronics Below 20 nm
Gerald Lucovsky
(North Carolina State University, USA)
Physics and Chemistry of Alternative Gate Dielectrics and their Interfaces with Silicon
Tariel Makhviladze
(Soft-Tec, Ltd, Russia)
10 years of modeling and simulation R&D with Motorola
Evgenii Meilikhov
(Russian Research Center Kurchatov Institute, Russia)
Lattices of ferromagnetic granules - theory and experiment
Joanna Mirecki-Mullinchik
(University of Michigan, USA)
Self-Assembly of Nanostructures in Compound Semiconductor Thin Films by Morphological and Compositional Instabilities
Oleg Okhotnikov
(Tampere University of Technology, Finland)
Novel GaAs-based Nitride and Antimonide Long-wavelength VCSELs
Harald Okorn-Schmidt
(IBM T.J Watson Research Center, USA)
Characterization of Alternative Gate Dielectrics: Surfaces, Interfaces and Materials
Alexander Popov
(Moscow Engineering Physics Institute -- Technical University, Russia)
Magnetic Properties of Rare-earth and Transition Metal Clusters
Victor Prinz
(Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Russia)
New Concept in Fabricating Building Blocks for Nanoelectronics and Nanomechanics
Nicolas Rambidi
(Moscow Lomonosov University, Russia)
Lure of molecular electronics -- from molecular switches to distributed molecular information processing media
Rampi Ramprasad
(Motorola - Digital DNA Labs, USA)
Fundamental limits of magnetic nanoparticle composites for high frequency applications
Doug Resnick
(Motorola Labs, USA)
Imprint Lithography for Nanofabrication
Otto Sankey
(Arizona State University, USA)
Concepts and Challenges in Molecular Electronics
Mark Schattenburg
(Masachusettes Institute of Technology, USA)
The Critical Role of Metrology in Nanotechnology
Susanne Stemmer
(Rice University, USA)
Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy of Alternative Gate Dielectrics
Konstantin Svidzinskiy
(Optolink Ltd., Russia)
Silicon-based Optical Integrated Circuits
Peter Ventzek
(Motorola - Digital DNA Labs, USA)
Plasma Process Simulation for Semiconductor Manufactruing Applications
Victor Veselago
(Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia)
Materials with Negative Index of Refraction and Their Properties
Yurii Vlasov
(IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA)
Photonic band gap crystals via self-assembly
Alex Volinsky
(Motorola - Digital DNA Labs, USA)
Nanoindentaion Techniques for Assessing Mechanical Reliability at Nanoscale
Ken-ichi Ueda
(University of Electro-Communications, Japan)
Nano Particles Create New Solid State Lasers, "Ceramic Lasers"

Digital DNA Lab Motorola Russian Research Center Kurchatov Institute
Nuclear Cities Initiative Nuclear Threat Initiative
Moscow State University International Science & Technology Center
Elsevier Science European Office of Aerospace Research and Development United States Air Force
Russian Federal Nuclear Center (VNIIEF) Russian Foundation for Basic Research
Office of Naval Research KINTECH -- Kinetic Technologies
Ohio Supercomputer Center  

Click on Speakers on the left navigation bar for the list of speakers and titles.

Evgeniy Velikhov (Kurchatov Institute, Russia) Andreas Wild (Motorola, Germany)

Organizing and Technical Program Committee:
Boris Aronzon Alexander Bagatur'yants Gennadi Bersuker
Vladimir Betelin Dmitry Borisov Evgeniya Davidova
Alex Demkov Rickey Faehl Konstantin Golant
Alexey Golubev Jim Greer Evgeniy Gusev
Pavel Kashkarov Anatoli Korkin (co-chairman) Jan Labanowski (webmaster)
Maria Oseeva (manager) Dmitry Panfilov Boris Potapkin (co-chairman)
Doug Resnick Irene Rybakova Elena Shulakova
Alex Volinsky Alexander Vul' Alexander Zakharov
Yekaterina Zikeeva    

Scientific and Advisory Board
Michail Alfimov Vitaliy Aristov Rick Brzozowy
Evgeniy Dianov Edward Hall Takeo Hattori
Siegfried Hecker Radiy Il'kayev William Johnson
Sergey Kozlov Carl Kutche Gerald Lucovsky
Evgeniy Meilikhov (co-chairman) Marius Orlowski (co-chairman) David Pappas
Vladimir Rusanov Paul Siffert Jim Toevs
Steve Watson    

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