Invited Speakers:
- Sanjay Banerjee
- (University of Texas Austin, USA)
Bandgap and Strain Engineered Si-Ge-C Vertical and Planar MOSFETs
- Gennadi Bersuker
- (SEMATECH International, USA)
Localized States in Degradation of Thin Gate
- Alex Bratkovsky
- (Hewlett-Packard Labs, USA)
Transport of Single Electrons and
Bound Electron Pairs in Molecular Films and Wires
- Douglas Buchanan
- (IBM - TJ Watson Research Center, USA)
Metal gates for Advanced CMOS
- Yong Chen
- (Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, USA)
Nanoscale Molecular Electronic Devices and Circuits
- Gabriel Crean
- (National Microelectronics Research Center, Ireland)
Future nanoelectronics: challenges for science
and technology
- Massimiliano Di Ventra
- (Virginia Tech, USA)
Electronic transport in nanoscale conductors
- Roger Elliott
- (Oxford University, UK)
Spin-polarised Current Effects in Magnetic Tunnel
- Roxann Engelstad
- (University of Wisconsin, USA)
Mask Distortion Issues
for Next Generation Lithography
- Michael Feigel'man
- (Landau Institute of Theoretical Physics, Russia)
Possible realization of an ideal quantum computer in Josephson junction array
- David Ferry
- (Arizona State University, USA)
Quantum Transport in Nano Devices
- Gennadi Fursey
- (St-Petersburg University of Telecommunications, Russia)
Field Emission from Nanocarbon and Vacuum
- Julian Gale
- (Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, UK)
Ab Initio Calculation at the Nanoscale
- David Gilmer
- (Motorola - Digital DNA Labs, USA)
Gate-Stack Materials Compatibility
- William Goddard III
- (California Institute of Technology, USA)
Multi Scale Materials Design
- Evgeniy Golant
- (State Research and Production Corporation "Istok", Russia)
Quantum Coherent Transport Phenomena in THz
- Alexander Granovsky
- (Moscow Lomonosov University, Russia)
Giant magnetooptical effects in nanostructured
magnetic materials
- David B. Graves
- (University of California at Berkeley, USA)
Atomistic Simulations of Plasma-Surface Chemistry
and Comparison to Experiment
- Vladimir Gritsenko
- (Novosibirsk Insitute of Semiconductor Physics, Russia)
Transport and Defects in Advanced Gate
- Detlev Gruetzmacher
- (Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland)
New Device Concepts Using SiGe Quantum
- Supratik Guha
- (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA)
Insulating oxides on silicon by molecular
beam epitaxy for gate dielectric and novel applications
- Boris Gurovich
- (RRC "Kurchatov Institute", Russia)
Selective Atom Removal for Fabrication of
Nanostructures with Desirable Electric, Magnetic, and Optical Properties
- Evgeni Gusev
- (IBM - TJ Watson Research Center, USA)
Ultrathin Gate Dielectrics:
Recent Progress and Future Challenges
- Takeo Hattori
- (Musashi Institute of Technology, Japan)
Energy Barrier for Valence Electrons Near
SiO2/Si Interface
- Scott Hector
- (Motorola - Digital DNA Labs, USA)
Next Generation Lithography: Prospects
and Challenges
- Howard Huff
- (SEMATECH International, USA)
Integrated Electronics: From Conventional CMOS
to Nanoscale Technologies
- Mitsuteru Inoue
- (Toyohashi University of Technology, Optware Corporation,
Magnetophotonic crystals - functional magneto-optic media with nano-scaled
- Olivier Joubert
- (LTM/CNRS, France)
Nanometer scale linewidth control during
etching of polysilicon gates in high-density plasmas
- Peter Kazansky
- (University of Southampton, UK)
Breaking the limits in glass and optical fibres:
from femtosecond writing to atom chips
- Natalia Kirova
- (Lukin Research Institute of Physical Problems, Russia & CNRS,
Puzzles of Conducting Polymers
- Nikolai Kiselev
- (Institute of Crystallography, Russia)
Progress in nanotube characterization by HREM
- Nikolay Kukhtarev
- (Alabama A & M University, USA)
Optically Induced Nanostructures
- Kaupo Kukli
- (University of Tartu, Estonia)
Atomic Layer Deposition Chemistry of CMOS
Dielectric Materials
- Patrick Lenahan
- (Penn State University, USA)
Practical Quantum Computing
- Konstantin Likharev
- (State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA)
Electronics Below 20 nm
- Gerald Lucovsky
- (North Carolina State University, USA)
Physics and Chemistry of Alternative
Gate Dielectrics and their Interfaces with Silicon
- Tariel Makhviladze
- (Soft-Tec, Ltd, Russia)
10 years of modeling and
simulation R&D with Motorola
- Evgenii Meilikhov
- (Russian Research Center Kurchatov Institute, Russia)
Lattices of ferromagnetic
granules - theory and experiment
- Joanna Mirecki-Mullinchik
- (University of Michigan, USA)
Self-Assembly of Nanostructures
in Compound Semiconductor Thin Films by Morphological and Compositional
- Oleg Okhotnikov
- (Tampere University of Technology, Finland)
Novel GaAs-based Nitride and Antimonide
Long-wavelength VCSELs
- Harald Okorn-Schmidt
- (IBM T.J Watson Research Center, USA)
Characterization of Alternative Gate Dielectrics: Surfaces, Interfaces and
- Alexander Popov
- (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute --
Technical University, Russia)
Magnetic Properties of Rare-earth and Transition
Metal Clusters
- Victor Prinz
- (Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Russia)
New Concept in Fabricating Building Blocks for
Nanoelectronics and Nanomechanics
- Nicolas Rambidi
- (Moscow Lomonosov University, Russia)
Lure of molecular electronics -- from molecular
switches to distributed molecular information processing media
- Rampi Ramprasad
- (Motorola - Digital DNA Labs, USA)
Fundamental limits of magnetic nanoparticle
composites for high frequency applications
- Doug Resnick
- (Motorola Labs, USA)
Imprint Lithography for Nanofabrication
- Otto Sankey
- (Arizona State University, USA)
Concepts and Challenges in Molecular
- Mark Schattenburg
- (Masachusettes Institute of Technology, USA)
The Critical Role of Metrology in
- Susanne Stemmer
- (Rice University, USA)
Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy of
Alternative Gate Dielectrics
- Konstantin Svidzinskiy
- (Optolink Ltd., Russia)
Silicon-based Optical Integrated Circuits
- Peter Ventzek
- (Motorola - Digital DNA Labs, USA)
Plasma Process Simulation for Semiconductor
Manufactruing Applications
- Victor Veselago
- (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia)
Materials with Negative Index of Refraction and
Their Properties
- Yurii Vlasov
- (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA)
Photonic band gap crystals via self-assembly
- Alex Volinsky
- (Motorola - Digital DNA Labs, USA)
Nanoindentaion Techniques for Assessing Mechanical
Reliability at Nanoscale
- Ken-ichi Ueda
- (University of Electro-Communications, Japan)
Nano Particles Create New Solid State Lasers,
"Ceramic Lasers"