Symposium and Summer School on: Nano and Giga Challenges in Microelectronics Research and Opportunities in Russia Moscow, September 10-13, 2002 |
Preparing your paper using LaTeXIf you did not use LATEX before,
it may be a good time to learn it.
LaTeX is a set of convenient macros to the more general
programming language called TEX. Elsevier provides a document class (elsart.cls) which extends and slightly modifies the default mark-up used by LaTeX. It is also very well documented in the Elsevier documents at Templates and examples of papers are available for different reference styles. Also BibTeX style files are provided. Papers to be published in Microelectronics Engineering require small modification of the generic elsart.cls class. This is accomplished by changing the \documentclass{elsart}to \documentclass{meeauth}and the meeths.cls document class will read in the standard elsart.cls automatically. Using the \documentclass{meeauth} will allow you to have a good estimate of the total page count of your paper. For the purpose of review, you are encouraged to submit papers in the doublespaced version using elsart. It will make it easier for reviewers to mark their comments and corrections. Switching between final look ( meeths.cls ) style and the review style is tryvial, just use the \documentclass[doublespacing]{elsart}as the first line for doublespaced version and \documentclass{meeauth}for final volume estimate. If you do not have privileges to install documentclass files (meeths.cls and elsart.cls) in the default TeX/LaTeX location on your computer, you can always place them in the same directory in which you keep the document to be worked on. The location of important files and examples is given below:
If you are not comfortable with LaTeX, organizers will help you to convert your manuscript to the form required. |
Boris Aronzon | Alexander Bagatur'yants | Gennadi Bersuker |
Vladimir Betelin | Dmitry Borisov | Evgeniya Davidova |
Alex Demkov | Rickey Faehl | Konstantin Golant |
Alexey Golubev | Jim Greer | Evgeniy Gusev |
Pavel Kashkarov | Anatoli Korkin (co-chairman) | Jan Labanowski (webmaster) |
Maria Oseeva (manager) | Dmitry Panfilov | Boris Potapkin (co-chairman) |
Doug Resnick | Irene Rybakova | Elena Shulakova |
Alex Volinsky | Alexander Vul' | Alexander Zakharov |
Yekaterina Zikeeva |
Michail Alfimov | Vitaliy Aristov | Rick Brzozowy |
Evgeniy Dianov | Edward Hall | Takeo Hattori |
Siegfried Hecker | Radiy Il'kayev | William Johnson |
Sergey Kozlov | Carl Kutche | Gerald Lucovsky |
Evgeniy Meilikhov (co-chairman) | Marius Orlowski (co-chairman) | David Pappas |
Vladimir Rusanov | Paul Siffert | Jim Toevs |
Steve Watson |