------------------- Aug 14 ---- jkl
Correction to P119 (should point to TAGIROV abstracts rather than TAGIROV1)
Print TAGIROV abstract and append  to the conference book
Added an author Vladimir Ivin of SOFT-TEC to [POSTNIKOV] abstract
Computer Modeling of strained p-Ge Resonant State THz laser" by
Dr.Maxim Odnoblyudov was withdrawn 12-OPTpm from 14:35-14:50
No replacement was recommended at this time
Aug 24, 2002
Ueada's talk withdrawn on plenary session  on Sept 12.
1. Substitute it by the talk of Gabriel Crean, which is the first talk
on the "Global Technology Trends session on Sept 13, Friday.
2. Move next talk of Ramon Compano on the place of Crean's and move the
last talk on this session - Steve Watson - on the second place, after
3. Remove Ueda talk from the abstract book if possible and from the web
site (also from the "speakers" page).

Sept 2, 2002

In 13-GLOpm Campano replaced by Berls, Pyle deleted

Sept 4, 2002

Added Panel Discussion for the last hour of the GLObal session

Sept 5, 2002
added authors and changed titile of Fursey talk in Molecular Electronics

Sept 7, 2002
10p-SCHpm Kazansky out, Scot Hector in, 16-18 tour of 
Chemistry Depertment, Laser Optics Chair, or Earth Science Museum
Chen_y out
Bratkovsky in, Rambidi and Likharev got 30 minutes.