Monte-Carlo simulation of electron transport and field effect in granular metal nanostructures
D. A. Zakheim, I. V. Rozhansky,
and S. A. Gurevich
Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Polytechnicheskaya 26, 194021, St. Petersburg, Russia
Available online 26 June 2003.
In this work we analyze the field effect in granular metal films and propose the current-switching device utilizing this effect. It is shown as a result of numerical modeling that efficient current modulation can be achieved in thin granular films if the ratio between charging energy of granules Ec0 and thermal energy kT is not less than 10 and the amplitude of the random potential is low compared with the charging energy.
Author Keywords: Granular metal; Electron transport in nanostructures
PACS classification codes: 41.20.Cv; 77.84.Lf