Magnetic properties of regular arrays of non-spherical ferromagnetic nanogranules
E. Z. Meilikhov,
and R. M. Farzetdinova
Institute of Molecular Physics, Russian Research Center (RRC) "Kurchatov Institute", Moscow 123182, Russia
Available online 20 June 2003.
Magnetic properties (ground state, magnetic phase diagram, phase transitions in a magnetic field) of two- and three-dimensional lattices of ferromagnetic granules with dipole intergranule interaction are studied. The basic attention is given to lattices of non-spherical granules (prolate and oblate ellipsoids of revolution) and their limiting shapes––rod-like and disk-like granules. The analysis shows that conclusions of the theory agree with results of a series of experiments.
Author Keywords: Magnetic properties; Ferromagnetic nanogranules; Regular arrays