STM surface modification of the Si–SiO2–polymer system
V. M. Kornilov,
and A. N. Lachinov
Institute of Molecular and Crystal Physics, Ufa Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, 450075, Ufa, Russia
Available online 14 June 2003.
This paper presents the results of a STM investigation of the Si–SiO2 and Si–SiO2–polymer systems in air. Depending on the scanning parameters, such as the applied voltage and tunneling current, a modification of the Si–SiO2 surface was observed during the experiments. The possibility of a reversible modification was demonstrated. A thin polymer film was used to exclude the adsorption–desorption and electrochemical processes on the Si surface. Modification of the Si–SiO2–polymer surface was observed at scanning parameters similar to those used for modification of the Si–SiO2 system. The electronic mechanism of the surface modification based on tunneling of the charge through the oxide layer and its influence on the STM tunneling current is discussed.
Author Keywords: Scanning tunneling microscopy; Si–SiO2 interfaces; Polymer; Charge transfer