Selective removal of atoms as a new method for fabrication of nanoscale patterned media
B. A. Gurovich,
, D. I. Dolgy, E. A. Kuleshova, E. Z. Meilikhov, A. G. Domantovsky, K. E. Prikhodko, K. I. Maslakov, B. A. Aronzon, V. V. Rylkov and A. Yu. Yakubovsky
Russian Research Centre `Kurchatov Institute', Kurchatov sq.1, Moscow 123182, Russia
Available online 14 June 2003.
The method of `selective removal of atoms' is proposed for purposeful efficient modification of a solid atomic composition under exposure to an accelerated ion beam of a certain energy. Such modification can dramatically change the physical properties of a thin material layer. This method could be used to create directly the needed spatial modulation of atomic composition and physical properties of a material, i.e. to produce a nanoscale patterned media for various applications (magnetic storage media, GaAs Schottky diodes and field effect transistors, optical structures, nanoscale biochips, and many others).
Author Keywords: Selective removal of atoms; Patterned media; Nanoscale structure; Ion irradiation; Nanodevices