Computer simulation of ion-solid interaction processes

A. A. DzhurakhalovCorresponding Author Contact Information, E-mail The Corresponding Author

Arifov Institute of Electronics, F. Khodjaev Street 33, 700125, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Available online 14 June 2003.


The results of computer simulation on the investigations and applications of the ion scattering, sputtering and implantation processes on the crystal surfaces under low-energy (1–15 keV) grazing ion bombardment have been presented. The peculiarities of the mentioned processes have been investigated by computer simulation. It has been shown that the elastic energy losses of the scattered particles are considerably smaller than the inelastic ones in a region of glancing scattering. In the case of grazing ion bombardment the layer-by-layer sputtering is possible and its optimum are observed within the small angle range of the glancing angles near the threshold sputtering angle. At grazing ion incidence, from a correlation of the experimental and calculated energy distributions of the scattered particles, one may determine a spatial extension of the isolated atomic steps on the single crystal surface. The behaviour of the scattering loops gives the possibility to determine the lying-down adsorption sites of diatomic molecules in lateral plane relative to target atom.

Author Keywords: Ion scattering; Sputtering; Implantation; Surface atomic steps; Energy and angular distributions; Computer simulation; Grazing incidence

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