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Other publications from this meeting: Computational Materials Science issue, and Nano and Giga Challenges in Microelectronics monograph.

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Special issue of
Microelectronics Engineering
Volume 69, Issues 2-4.

Guest Editors:
Boris Aronzon (Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russia),
Alex Demkov (Motorola, Tempe, AZ, USA),
Konstantin Golant (Fiber Optics Research Center, Moscow, Russia),
Jim Greer (NMRC, Cork, Ireland),
Evgeni Gusev (IBM, Yorktown Heights, NY, USA)
Anatoli Korkin (SPS Motorola, Tempe, AZ, USA)
Jan Labanowski (Ohio Supercomputer Center, Columbus, OH, USA),
Doug Resnick (Motorola Labs, Tempe, AZ, USA).

Click here for full text available on Science Direct

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I. Advanced and future FETs

II. Optoelectronics: materials, processes and devices

III. Functional magnetic materials

IV. Fabrication of nanodevices

V. Future technologies: nano and molecular electronics

VI. Modeling and Simulation

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