Native Culture in Arizona
For more than a thousand years, Native American farmers inhabited
much of the present-day state of Arizona. Ruins of villages and ancient structures
in the northern, southern and central regions of the state attest to the ingenuity
of original settlers. The five-story Montezuma
Castle, a 20-room cliff dwelling located in the Verde Valley, served
as a "high-rise apartment building" for Sinagua
Indians 600 years ago.
Casa Grande is one of the largest and most mysterious prehistoric
buildings ever constructed.
Both sites are among the best preserved Native American structures in North
Contemporary Native American tribes, 21 belonging to Arizona, have continued many of the traditions of their ancestors. Artisans of the Hopi tribe still handcraft the popular kachina dolls, which are used in tribal rituals and festivals during different times of the year. Exploring Native American Arizona can reveal many more cultural aspects of tribes both old and new to the state.
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